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NooCube’s Sleep Upgrade Review: Sleep soundly without melatonin.

Sleep deprivation is a genuine concern affecting working people, mostly those employed in the corporate sector and airlines. Corporate employees and people with extreme work timings miss their sleep due to tight and long working schedules that not only leave them stressed out but also restless from lack of sleep. Comfort and luxury come with hard work but often weigh lighter on the scale as sleep deprivation falls heavier.

Adequate and quality sleep is necessary to help you gain the best possible health and happiness. While you’re resting, your body performs some vital processes, such as hormone production, tissue healing, and memory consolidation. Because of this, experts advise getting 7-9 hours of sleep each night, yet the typical American only gets an average of 6.5.

This 18% shortfall is not however a negligible count and could leave an adverse impact on your health over time. The long-term consequences of inadequate deep sleep can be anything from uncomfortable to fatal. It could cause a decline in the mental engagement at work and substandard physical performance at the gym, further aggravated by mood swings, anxiety, and a limited tolerance for stress.

Lower libido and erectile dysfunction, immune system degradation, and a rise in appetite for junk foods are some of the alarming consequences of sleep deprivation and stress built up.

Chronic lack of deep and restful sleep might prove even more detrimental and increase the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, heart disease, and stroke.

So, to improve one’s sleep quality and allow one to fall asleep faster without twisting and turning, a sleep aid has been introduced, by Wolfson Brands (UK) Limited called the Noocube Sleep Upgrade.

And today, we’ll discover everything there is to know about this new sleep supplement and how it can improve sleep quality.

What is Noocube Sleep Upgrade?

Include this in your routine to smoothly fall into a restful slumber before you know it. You’ll be sleeping well and feeling prepared to face whatever obstacles the day throws at you.

With the Sleep Upgrade supplement, you can always have a restful night’s sleep as it works in conjunction with your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle. You fall asleep more quickly and experience restful, deep sleep that helps you wake up energized and stay ready to face the challenges of the day!

Visit this link to find out how Noocube Sleep Upgrade will help you get to sleep with ease and stay asleep all night!

How soon does Noocube Sleep Upgrade work?

Sleep Upgrade starts working just after the first day of use. Drifting off to sleep becomes easier and you wake up in the morning even before your alarm starts ringing.

After 7 days, mornings are no longer difficult, and afternoon drowsiness will also disappear. With better mood and attention, you are also able to produce more. The majority of users reported that after about a month of use, both their appearance and mood had significantly improved. When you sleep better, you feel more enthusiastic and rational.

Typically, it takes three months to get all the results, which include a notable increase in energy, reduced stress and anxiety levels, and general satisfaction with a healthy sleep cycle.

What are the Ingredients used in this Natural Sleep Supplement?

The product comes with a clear description of its ingredients and their quantity.

#1. Lemon Balm Leaf Powder (600 mg)

A long-existing herb from the mint family with its proven potential in providing calmness to its user. The pharmacological properties of Lemon Balm Leaf Powder are owing to the presence of various bioactive compounds, including rosmarinic acid, ferulic acid, and eugenol.

These compounds have exhibited sedative effects in pre-clinical trials, which suggests that they can facilitate enhanced sleep quality in humans.

Additionally, Lemon Balm Leaf Powder has been observed to stimulate gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors in the brain, which leads to a reduction in anxiety and an increase in relaxation. As anxiety and stress are major contributing factors to poor sleep quality, it is plausible that the use of Lemon Balm Leaf Powder may alleviate these symptoms and promote deeper and more tranquil sleep cycles.


#2. 4:1 Lavender Extract (125 Mg- equivalent to 500 mg of Lavender)

The impact of Lavender Extract on good sleep is a topic of considerable scientific interest. Various studies have been conducted to investigate the efficacy of lavender extract in promoting healthy and restful sleep. The mechanism by which lavender extract promotes good sleep is believed to be related to its ability to interact with the brain’s limbic system, particularly the amygdala, and hippocampus, which are regions that play a crucial role in regulating emotions and memory.

Lavender, a distant relative of lemon balm and is thus also renowned for its calming effects and has been shown to have sedative effects on the central nervous system, which can lead to relaxation and improved quality of sleep. Moreover, studies have revealed that lavender extract can reduce anxiety levels, which is known to be one of the primary causes of insomnia.

Additionally, other research has suggested that inhalation of lavender oil can also enhance slow-wave sleep (SWS) which is associated with deep relaxation and restoration.

This is because lavender has the same impact on the brain as many prescription sleep aids or sedatives, just more naturally and subtly, without any negative side effects like addiction.

Research suggests that lavender can help with reducing restlessness and sleep disturbances.

#3. Vita-Algae® Vegan Vita-Algae® Vitamin D3 (10 µg)

Vitamin D3, or cholecalciferol, is a crucial hormone that plays a vital role in the regulation of various physiological processes within the human body. Amongst these functions, research in recent years has highlighted the role of Vitamin D3 in regulating circadian rhythms and sleep-wake cycles. In particular, studies have suggested that inadequate levels of Vitamin D3 may be associated with disruptions to healthy sleep patterns.

The “sleepy hormone” melatonin is produced in greater amounts by vitamin D, which also controls circadian rhythms.

One proposed mechanism by which Vitamin D3 impacts sleep is through its interaction with the brain’s suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), also known as the body’s “master clock.” The SCN is responsible for regulating the timing and duration of our sleep and wake cycles. Research indicates that Vitamin D receptors are present within this region of the brain, suggesting that adequate levels of Vitamin D3 may be necessary for optimal functioning of the SCN and subsequently promote healthy sleep patterns.

Furthermore, research has also identified a potential association between low levels of Vitamin D3 and an increased risk of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a condition characterized by interruptions to breathing during sleep. While further investigation is required to elucidate the precise mechanisms involved, existing evidence suggests that correcting deficient levels of Vitamin D3 may serve as an effective strategy for improving the overall quality and quantity of sleep.

Although the majority of vitamin D is derived from sheep wool grease, this vitamin used in this supplement is sustainably sourced from algae.

#4. Buffered Magnesium as Magnesium Citrate (300 mg)

Magnesium is a crucial micronutrient that has been found to play an essential role in sleep regulation and by slowing down overactive brain signals, this soothing mineral produces a calming effect.

Recent studies have suggested that magnesium supplementation can improve the quality of sleep by enhancing the activity of GABA, a neurotransmitter involved in promoting relaxation and reducing anxiety. Magnesium is an essential cofactor for several enzymes involved in neurotransmitter synthesis and metabolism, indicating its critical role in regulating sleep-wake cycles.

Furthermore, magnesium has been shown to exhibit anti-inflammatory properties, which may have indirect benefits on sleep quality. Chronic inflammation has been linked to sleep disturbances, and studies suggest that magnesium’s ability to mitigate inflammation could help improve the overall quality and duration of sleep. Additionally, magnesium plays a vital role in maintaining proper muscle function and preventing cramps or spasms that can disrupt restful sleep.

In conclusion, evidence suggests that adequate intake of magnesium is essential for optimal sleep health because magnesium speeds up the process of falling asleep and improves the duration and quality of sleep.

Magnesium citrate is the ideal type of magnesium since it is so simple for the body to absorb.

#5. Calcium As Calcium Carbonate (300 mg)

Calcium, an essential mineral, has been found to play a significant role in modulating the sleep-wake cycle and promoting good sleep. Calcium ions are known to act as second messengers in several cellular signaling pathways that regulate neuronal excitability and synaptic transmission.

Several studies have suggested that calcium channels, particularly the L-type voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs), contribute to circadian rhythm regulation by controlling the release of neurotransmitters such as GABA, glutamate, and dopamine.

Calcium also appears to facilitate the transition from wakefulness to sleep by regulating the activity of neurons in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus, which is considered as a master clock for regulating circadian rhythms.

Additionally, calcium plays a crucial role in the secretion of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep-wake cycles. Calcium activates enzymes involved in melatonin synthesis and stimulates pineal gland cells’ activity responsible for its release into the circulation.

Therefore, adequate intake of dietary calcium or supplementation may be beneficial for promoting good sleep hygiene and maintaining healthy circadian rhythms, which is why a glass of warm milk is the traditional home remedy for insomnia.


An association between higher calcium consumption and quicker sleep onset was discovered in a study including 4,548 participants.

The same study discovered that a decreased calcium intake per day increased the likelihood of insomnia and poor sleep quality. This may be due to alterations in neuronal excitability and synaptic transmission or reduced melatonin production.


Why choose Noocube Sleep Upgrade over other similar sleep supplements in the market?

The nature of ingredients and their proportion used in the product also increases its potential over the other sleep aids that are largely available in the market. And even if you find other sleeping supplements containing these herbs and minerals, you will not fail to notice that they are present in very low dosages, hence are less effective in giving you the results.

Who can use Natural Sleep Aids like Noocube Sleep Upgrade?

This melatonin-free sleep supplement is formulated to help users of various kinds obtain their desired rest and charge up for the next day.

It’s useful for adults 18 years old and above who face trouble falling asleep and resting or have disturbed sleep and insufficient sleep. It’s a go-to solution for the go-getters who are habitually on the run, hustling on their to-do lists.

It’s moreover challenging to obtain the necessary rest when you work odd hours. The formula allows you to get your desired rest with its sleep-promoting effects, so you can start all over with a fresh look and mind.

Traveling through several time zones throws off your circadian rhythm, but taking Sleep Upgrade can help you get that back on track.

It’s also helping the night owls. Though not everyone works 9 to 5 jobs, with social media and prolonged screen timings the world is never asleep. But this bedtime formula allows you to go to bed when you need to at a reasonable hour and encourage uninterrupted and high-quality sleep.

Are there any side effects related to NooCube Sleep Upgrade?

The goal of this natural sleep supplement is to promote healthy sleeping practices and help people get better and uninterrupted sleep.

It might help people who battle with insomnia or other sleep disorders but there are no chances of you becoming addicted to it.

When taken as directed on the label, the components are safe for consumption. However, in the case of any medication, diet plan, exercise regimen, or dietary supplements it’s always advisable to take advice from a qualified healthcare professional to be extra sure. If you notice any unwanted side effects, stop taking it immediately and see your doctor.

In any case, see a physician before using the supplement if you have a medical condition to be sure none of the contents may conflict with any prescription drugs you are taking at the time of using it.

Will the product work for me?

Sleep Upgrade has verified results on its users who vouch for its effectiveness and utility in their daily routine.

They’ve claimed time and again how it aids in their relaxation and have no trouble sleeping.

This sleep supplement by Noocube significantly improves overall sleep quality, allowing its users to unwind and avoid morning lethargy. Having slept well enough you no longer need to rely on caffeine to get through the day and gain improved daytime performance and energy and mental clarity.

Also, people have felt much more relaxed at work and at home with their families.

Top 5 Reasons to Buy Noocube Sleep Upgrade

Your life gets upgraded with this sleeping formula and it gives you reasons valid enough to choose it over any other alternatives —

  1. You fall asleep faster without tossing and turning through the night.

  2. Late-night screen timings are a vital cause that steals your good night’s sleep but with this upgrade, your brain can turn off before it becomes too much.

  3. A sound and good night’s rest leaves you feeling refreshed and productive the next day.

  4. Waking up with positivity and energy makes you feel less irritated so you could focus on your work-life balance.

  5. Your lifestyle also improves and you can avoid premature aging along with subsequent health hazards like heart disease, diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, and depression.

What is the Price and Recommended Dose of this Natural Sleep Supplement?

Each bottle of the product contains 120 capsules which is enough for 30 servings of the product. The recommended dosage of each serving is 4 capsules to be consumed daily at bedtime.

Did you Know?

NooCube has a nootropic formula called Noocube Brain Productivity with proven benefits that must not be confused with its Noocube Sleep Upgrade.

NooCube Sleep Upgrade vs NooCube Brain Productivity

NooCube’s Sleep Upgrade is different from its Brain Productivity though both work towards boosting attention and productivity of the brain.

Sleep Upgrade is designed for the restless ones who can’t get enough sleep. It improves your performance in daily activities by improving sleep quality, reducing sleep time, and encouraging relaxing restorative sleep. On the other hand, NooCube’s Brain Productivity is a formula that promotes cognitive wellness, helping you reclaim your former energy and enthusiasm in your daily life.

While the former product targets your inadequate sleep pattern to give you the daily rest you need, the latter is a brain supplement that aims to enhance brain functions and eliminate the feeling of being overwhelmed and fatigued.

NooCube’s Brain Productivity is highly effective for high achievers in education or athletic fields. Students feel more confident and perform better in terms of their ability to solve problems, focus clearly, and retain memory. The benefits of this product also help athletes who can work out with more intensity and feel more determined.

While the approach of these 2 Noocube products is different and their ingredients differ accordingly, with their individual effects, but you can manage stress with better efficiency and feel an increased drive to complete projects. Together with advantages like improved sleep, and a calmer attitude during the day you also enjoy an overall better mood and sharper cognitive abilities throughout the day if you take Noocube Brain Productivity with NooCube Sleep Upgrade.

To learn more about Noocube Brain Productivity, visit here!

Does it have any Refund Policy?

The product comes with a 60-Day Money Back Guarantee which covers every bulk order. That implies that you can request a full refund of your purchase if you are not entirely satisfied with your results.

Any unused bottles from your order can be returned after getting in touch with customer support within 60 days for an assured refund.

Big Savings on multi-buy packages

The NooCube Sleep Upgrade costs are listed below:

Product Delivery

You also get free shipping on all orders.

Which is the Best Place to Buy Noocube Sleep Upgrade?

It is crucial to keep in mind that purchasing Noocube Sleep Upgrade from the company’s official website is necessary to ensure that the item is legitimate and real. The purchase of this product through an alternate channel could expose you to counterfeit and inferior variations that don’t meet the original manufacturer’s quality standards. Additionally, buying from unreliable sources could cost you extra money and jeopardize the product’s efficacy and safety.

It is also important to mention that purchasing Noocube Sleep Upgrade only through its official website gives clients the chance to take advantage of a number of advantages, including price breaks, guarantees and quality assurances. These offers show the manufacturer’s dedication to giving its consumers the best value while assuring their satisfaction.

For the best return on their money, it is therefore strongly advised that potential customers choose to buy Noocube Sleep Upgrade only from its official website, click to book your order now!

NooCube Sleep Upgrade Reviews

Jovie S. from North Carolina, USA.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“I have been using this Noocube sleep supplement for a few weeks now and I must say, I am thoroughly impressed! With undisturbed sleep, I have definitely noticed improved mental clarity throughout my day. It’s like a fog has been lifted from my mind. I have tried other sleep supplements in the past, but none have had such a positive impact on my cognitive function and daytime energy.”

Granger T. from Pretoria, South Africa.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“As someone who struggles with mornings, I was hesitant to try Noocube Sleep Upgrade. However, I was pleasantly surprised to find that it caused no morning grogginess. In fact, I woke up feeling refreshed and ready for the day. This product has truly improved the quality of my sleep without any negative side effects.”

Ensley C. from Vancouver, Canada.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“I was eager to test Noocube Sleep Upgrade because I have trouble falling asleep. Being all-natural was a major selling point for me. The best thing, though? In just thirty minutes, it actually worked. I’ve tried different all-natural sleep aids in the past, but they always take an eternity to work, leaving me impatient and awake. I can feel myself unwinding and falling asleep much more quickly than I did before using this natural sleep supplement.”

Rodney L. from Melbourne, Australia.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

“I recently gave Noocube Sleep Upgrade a try and was pleasantly surprised. Since it doesn’t require a prescription, getting it is simple and doesn’t require seeing a doctor. I was concerned that it would make me drowsy during the day, but I haven’t felt sleepy or groggy at all. My quality of sleep has increased significantly, and I now wake up feeling rejuvenated and energized. I like that anyone looking for better sleep can use it because it is gender neutral.”

Zyon H. from England, United Kingdom.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“Since I’ve started utilizing Noocube Sleep Upgrade, I’ve seen a real improvement in my general health. I’ve been sleeping better than I ever have since I started taking it, which has helped my immune system. I don’t feel as weak or prone to illness anymore. My energy levels have also increased, both physically and psychologically. I feel more focused and awake throughout the day, which now allows me to work more efficiently.”

Milena B. from Christchurch, New Zealand.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

“I have always been a light sleeper and the slightest noise would wake me up and keep me up all night. But ever since I started using the Sleep Upgrade formula by Noocube, I do sleep like a baby, worry-free. I am able to sleep soundly throughout the night without any interruptions. I think it’s my best buy ever.”


Adults who have problems falling asleep, staying asleep through the night, or waking up refreshed and active should use Noocube Sleep Upgrade.

It probably works even better for those who face troubled sleep because of high stress and anxiety levels, or because of calcium, magnesium, or vitamin D deficiency.

NooCube’s Sleep Upgrade can be a great answer if you simply cannot stand to be awake at night, fearing the next day and how exhausted you would be. Only natural ingredients are used, which might change your life by restoring your power and vitality and improving the quality of your sleep.

Click here to purchase Noocube Sleep Upgrade from its official website for a restful night sleep starting right now and every day.
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