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Prime Male Vs Testogen: Can you actually get Fit Physically, Mentally, and Sexually with Testo Pills?

The impression that testosterone is what makes a man a man is true, to a certain extent. Testosterone levels in the blood determine the extent to which you are aggressive, fertile, and strong and how much you grow during the developmental years. Testosterone is the primary sex hormone in the male body and it is a natural anabolic steroid.

To truly understand the extent to which low testosterone affects male physiology, you must first understand its extent of influence. Testosterone is produced in the testicles and ovaries and to a small extent, the adrenal glands produce some too. Starting at puberty, testosterone goes to work full-time. It deepens the voice, increases muscle growth and facial hair begins to grow. Healthy testosterone levels in adulthood would influence sex drive, fertility, prostate health, strength, and the ability to build muscle mass.

Regrettably enough, low testosterone becomes a reality for most men after a certain age. Sometimes, as early as the thirties. The most common signs are declining sexual performance, reduced sex drive, loss of pubic and facial hair, shrinkage in the testicles, and low sperm count. Other not-so-common symptoms are gynecomastia – enlarged male breast tissues, a marked increase in body fat, loss of strength and stamina, depression, mood swings, and memory issues. Apart from age-related testosterone decline, low testosterone levels may also be caused by, injury, chemotherapy, anabolic steroid use, or disease or infection.

There are several ways that you can check testosterone levels. The total testosterone level blood test is one of the easiest but if you have been sick recently, it may yield abnormally low results. A luteinizing hormone blood test can test if the pituitary gland is the cause of testosterone production waning. The prolactin blood test would give you accurate results and indicate the presence of tumors.

Medical science has already proposed several remedies for natural testosterone waning. Skin gels are the most commonly used treatment for low T levels. Intramuscular testosterone injections can be administered in 1- or 2-week intervals, testosterone patches, oral doses, nasal gels, and pellets are all available for improving natural and healthy testosterone production. Testosterone replacement therapy is also an option but this treatment cannot be used by all as there are a lot of conditions that need to be fulfilled. Also, the medical remedies all have some sort of side effect or another. Inviting a problem and trying to rid yourself of one makes no sense at all. So, is there a safe and natural method that boosts testosterone production and enhances free testosterone levels in the bloodstream? Yes, there is. Supplements.

You will find several dietary supplements that claim to increase testosterone production in the body. Good testosterone supplements use natural testosterone boosters that are found in nature to boost this essential hormone. Many testosterone boosters claim to cure erectile dysfunction, enhance lean muscle mass growth and even provide benefits like anabolic steroids do. There are supplements that deliver on this promise.

 If you are looking for the best testosterone boosters out there. You have come to the right place. You will find here two popular and well-marketed testosterone booster supplements and we will pit them against one another. We compare the natural ingredients, benefits, unique selling points, and even prices. At the end of this, you will be able to decide which testosterone booster supplement is worth your time and money.

Testogen & Prime Male: What Are These Products?

No. #1 – Testogen Test-Booting Supplement

Testogen, from Health Nutrition Ltd., uses clinically backed natural ingredients that boost the body’s ability to produce testosterone and allows you to enjoy the benefits that follow suit. The brand claims to improve overall well-being and enhance a man’s quality of life.

All you have to do is take 4 capsules all together a day, every day, and Testogen will do that rest for you. You must understand that the supplement does not work overnight but with the right diet and a decent amount of exercise, you should see results in as little as two weeks. Also, there have been no reports of side effects from the testosterone booster pills.

Tap here to learn more about Testogen!

No. #2 – Prime Male Testosterone Booster

Prime Male is an offering from Roar Ambition Limited, a respected supplement brand with quite a few successful products under its belt. Prime Male claims to provide male physiology with all things natural and nourishing to enhance testosterone levels naturally. The product, like Testogen, is targeted at men over the age of 30, who will slowly begin to feel the subtle effects of falling T levels.

You have to take one capsule 4 times a day, preferably at 3 intervals. Prime Male suggests that eating healthy, increasing physical activity, checking stress, and developing better sleeping habits would only bolster testosterone levels.

Tap here to learn more about Prime Male!

Benefits & Side Effects: What Can You Expect from Testogen & Prime Male?

As of yet, there have been no reports of side effects or long-term unhealthy consequences that have been caused by either testosterone booster. This is a testament to the use of natural ingredients – herbs, amino acids, and botanicals. Such ingredients are safe and legal and, best of all, offer natural testosterone support. Both testosterone supplements offer benefits that are similar in nature. Here’s a closer look at that.

TestogenPrime Male
  • No more fatigue
  • Enhanced energy levels
  • More output from workouts
  • Boosted muscle growth
  • Improved muscle strength
  • Lesser body fat
  • Revived sex drive
  • Enhanced mood, mental clarity & focus
  • Lean muscle mass gains
  • Loss of body fat
  • Reduced fatigue
  • Better heart protection
  • Greater libido
  • Sharper mental focus
  • Better sleep quality
  • Heightened overall performance

What you can expect from either testosterone booster is pretty much the same, only the target audience is different. They even share most of the ingredients to help achieve the benefits mentioned above. Here’s an in-depth analysis of the components used in the supplements that boost natural testosterone levels.

The Testogen & Prime Male Ingredients

Both Testogen and Prime Male help achieve higher testosterone levels by stimulating the body to boost testosterone production by increasing the production of luteinizing hormone, which is produced in the pituitary gland. This hormone incites the Leydig cell – in the testes, to produce more testosterone.

Once produced and released, testosterone is still not available for use. Almost all of it binds to proteins. These proteins are called sex hormone-binding globulin. Bound testosterone cannot be used for anabolic purposes. The ingredients in Testogen decrease SHBG levels in the blood allowing for free testosterone levels to rise. This increases energy, stamina, fat-burning, and confidence. Testosterone also has the tendency to get converted into estrogen. With the use of these testosterone boosters, this conversion is restricted and estrogen levels fall.

Testogen uses 11 natural ingredients while Prime Male adds yet two more. The common ingredients that improve the male sex hormone levels are as follows.

  1. D-Aspartic Acid
    D-Aspartic acid works as both a neurotransmitter and an amino acid. It is a natural testosterone booster as it bolsters the production of luteinizing hormone from the pituitary gland and androgen receptors in the body. As part of the chain reaction, the testes respond to the luteinizing hormone by releasing more testosterone.

    Studies have proven that after just 12 days of supplementation, D-Aspartic acid was able to boost testosterone levels by 42%. Another study revealed that the amino acid was able to increase sperm count, and sexual potency and increase the body’s natural testosterone production.

  2. BioPerine® / Black Pepper
    Testogen uses BioPiperine® which is a trademarked supplement and Prime Male uses black pepper. They are similar in essence. This element can be found in many dietary supplements as it increases bioavailability. The nutrients that are delivered by supplements are better absorbed into the body and improve the efficacy of the product in question. It also aids metabolism which can help burn body fat, reveal lean muscle mass, and increase energy levels all while boosting testosterone levels naturally.

  3. Vitamin D3
    The sunshine vitamin is critical for bone health, a healthy immune system, and calcium absorption. In its active form, vitamin D can function like a steroid hormone that influences sexual health and function. The higher the intake of vitamin D, the higher the levels of free testosterone in the body. D3 influences both sexual hormones, so it can influence both testosterone and estrogen levels.

  4. Vitamin B6
    Vitamin B6, zinc, and magnesium are testosterone-boosting supplements on their own. B6 blocks cell receptors that bind testosterone, which naturally improves sexual performance. It is also a part of male hormone synthesis. When the body lacks B6, the brain automatically raises estrogen levels proving that the vitamin has a hand in hormone regulation.

    Furthermore, B6 increases serum growth hormone and lowers prolactin levels which supports muscle growth and encourages protein synthesis.

  5. Vitamin K1/K2
    Vitamin K is crucial for insulin sensitivity, blood clotting, and handling visceral fat issues. The vitamin can even improve athletic performance as it allows for better mitochondrial function which computes to higher energy levels and stamina. Vitamin K is also a natural testosterone booster. Moreover, it influences mood and cognitive function.

  6. Zinc
    If you are sexually active, you lose a lot more zinc than you take in, so supplementation becomes vital. Zinc has several health benefits but for testosterone boosters, zinc influence the release of luteinizing hormone. Without enough zinc, fertility and testosterone production both are affected. Moreover, there is 20 vitamin K dependent protein, all of which would be affected.

  7. Korean Ginseng
    Ginseng is considered to be an adaptogen that helps the body adjust to physical and mental stresses. It is usually used to fortify the immune system and to increase energy levels. In traditional Chinese medicine, it is still in use today as an alternative treatment for erectile dysfunction, impotence and fertility issues. Ginseng can also help raise testosterone levels and clear brain fog.

  8. Boron
    Boron is an essential mineral that is claimed to raise testosterone production and metabolism. Because of this, boron indirectly increases lean muscle mass, burns fat, boosts endurance and stamina, and improves post-workout recovery. Boron is used by the body for several biochemical functions and its inclusion in supplements for men is because it can improve blood flow that contributes to healthy sexual performance and maintain androgen hormones.

  9. Nettle Leaf/ Nettle Root Extract
    Stinging nettle leaf or root extract has several health benefits reducing inflammation, maintaining prostate health, lowering blood pressure, and blood sugar control, and aiding wound healing. It can elevate free testosterone levels but it is usually added to testosterone supplements for its effect on the prostate glands and for the prevention of conditions like joint pains, arthritis, and muscle pain.

  10. Magnesium
    When used in tandem with exercise, magnesium can improve exercise output and influence testosterone levels in men by freeing it from sex hormone-binding globulin – SHBG. This mineral also plays a role in mood regulation, strength and endurance, and energy production at cellular levels. It helps with sexual performance as well.

Ingredients Exclusive Testogen

Ingredients Exclusive Prime Male

Apart from a few exclusive ingredients, the benefits you can reap, how the supplements work and even the results you see for both testosterone boosters are the same. You could choose either and still attain the same results.

Where & How Can These Products be Bought?

You can buy these boosters from their respective official websites. There are discounts, offers, and savings that can be had.

Testogen can be bought at the Testogen Official Website, Click Here!

Free shipping is available regardless of which package you choose. Testogen provides a 100-day money-back guarantee. However, refunds are available only for one supply pack and you must have used the product for at least 50 days.

The Prime Male supplement can be bought at the Official Prime Male Website.

When you buy Prime Male, you have the option to choose just the testosterone booster or order combinations of the entire vitality pack.

A refund policy is not in place per se, but you can contact customer service should you have any concerns.


Q1. Are these products legal?

Ans.: Many brands add steroids, SARMs, or harmful substances that yield results but cause long-term harm. Such substances are illegal. Testogen & Prime Male use only safe and natural ingredients.

Q2. Are these products habit-forming?

Ans.: Because these testosterone supplements use only natural and safe components, they are not habit-forming. You can stop using it whenever you wish.

Q3. Do these products influence hormone activity?

Ans.: As testosterone booster supplements, Testogen and Prime Male increase the production and release of testosterone and to some extent influence growth hormone, luteinizing hormone, and estrogen levels. All these influences are for the better. You would not see any unwanted side effects.

Q4. Would health decline if the use of these products is stopped?

Ans.: Should you wish to stop using these products, there should be no decline in health. Since age affects testosterone levels, you will witness the natural reduction in the male hormone which is natural.

A Summary                          

Looking at two of the best testosterone booster supplements, Testogen & Prime Male, it is clear to see that both supplements are similar in action and function. Just to drive this point home, here is a quick recap of all the information we have so far.

 TestogenPrime Male
  • Uses natural ingredients
  • Free shipping worldwide
  • No known side effects
  • Improved testosterone levels
  • More energy and stamina
  • Greater muscle mass
  • Increased libido
  • Fat loss
  • Fertility boosted
  • Uses natural ingredients
  • Free shipping to the US and UK
  • No known side effects
  • Vegan friendly
  • Boosted testosterone levels
  • Helps build muscle
  • Adaptogen included for better sleep and mood
  • More energy
  • Pricier than similar products
  • Difficult dosage as you have to keep track of intervals
  • Pricier than similar products
AudienceHealthy and Adult men of any age groupHealthy men over the age of 35 to 40+
Daily Dose4 pills once a day1 pill 4 times a day at 3-hour intervals
Refund Policy100-day money-back guaranteeNo standard refund policy
Where to Buy the Strongest Testosterone Booster?Click Here to Buy Testogen from its Official Website.Click Here to Buy Prime Male from its Official Website.


Declining testosterone levels is an eventual reality that causes several issues like fat gain, reduced sex drive, loss of muscle mass, and low energy. Testosterone production begins to diminish as early as the early 30s. To rectify this bleak situation, there are more than a few testosterone-boosting supplements on the market now and only some of them are good ones. Testogen and Prime Male are two such ace products.

If you are looking for a good testosterone supplement that can boost testosterone levels, hike energy levels, cancel fatigue, improve sex drive, and aid in muscle mass building, you can settle for either Testogen or Prime Male, depending on your age or demand. Both products use clinically backed, safe and natural ingredients to enhance the body’s natural testosterone production and release. And you get all the benefits with no side effects at all. Sounds like a pretty good deal.

We advised that before, you engage in the use of these or any supplements, consult your physician. This is particularly pertinent if you suffer from any medical conditions and if you are currently on prescription medication. We recommend the use of either natural testosterone booster – Testogen or Prime Male.

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